You may wonder how a Feng Shui Master, Chef, and Artist got into essential oils. It unfolded totally by need. Using my hands so much, wearing them out, drying them out, and knicking them up every day led me to create something that would quickly heal and soften and stop them from aching. I mean closing 400 jelly jars in a day can be a bit brutal! So I started with the oils, essential and cooking oils that I had in the kitchen. We make jelly with essential oils in a lot of our flavors! That led to the research. I wanted to know the healing properties and beauty benefits and what had been used over the centuries in countries around the world. 6 years of trying them out on my face and hand, and on the face and hand of all my friends I have finally created 5 products that make me feel beautiful!
I am happy to introduce you to my very, most, bestest, favorite product I have ever made!