Jelly Lesson #11
Now…is always a good time for a story, so settle in, grab a cup of tea and some toast with your favorite jelly - here is the story of the Jelly Queens.
A Jelly Queen is a magic woman and everyone has one in their life. Long ago, once upon a time, there were tribes that roamed the earth. The women of these tribes were magic. They understood the importance of community, of gathering everyone to a common table to share in rhythms of the heart, the harvest, the earth, and the universe.
Through time these magic women, these Jelly Queens, developed a desire to teach others about rhythm, balance and living a loving a life. So the Jelly Queens dispersed, spreading to the four corners of the world. One by one, each Jelly Queen began to spread a loving, peaceful message that was so wonderful, fun and amazing that new tribes, new peace loving communities where created ever they landed.
They spread their message through cooking, passing their wisdom down as they stirred sweet and savory mixtures of fruit and spice. They created a revolution were ever they went, they changed the way food was cooked, families gathered and communities were served. They created a Jelly Revolution.
Centuries later, if you are careful and notice where you are, every so often, you run into a Jelly Queen, a magic person with whom you connect. The connection feels so wonderful that you decide to spend more and more of your days looking for more magic women, more Jelly Queens.
“So you taking time to be careful, to notice, to be more aware, to find more members of your magic tribe and you will know them because: These are the women in your life who give without keeping list... and receive with gratitude.
These are the women in your life that go the extra mile for you without logical reason...
These are the women in your life that pitch in and help whenever it is needed...
These are the women in your life that make you believe in humanity and in yourself...
These are the women in your life who act with heart......”
Once the connection is made, they revel in each others success and bless each other as they go about their day. They are grateful for the time they spend together, no matter how fleeting....
When our personal visions become clear and shared with others of like spirit, a powerful energy is set in motion. May we spend our tomorrows in a magical state of rhythm, where everyone's gifts are welcome and all life is appreciated!
Join the revolution - join the Jelly Queens!
hmmm and you thought it was just a sweet spread that went with peanut butter!
May all your moments be delicious!
Come join our little queendom at
305 West Louisiana Street,
McKinney, Texas